Manholes & Catchbasins

Engineered Drainage Solutions
Manholes are available in sizes from 42′ to 144′ diameter and come with all the accessories, such as: bases, concrete covers, eccentric cones and grade rings. The manhole assemblies are available for custom requirements such as cast-in gaskets for all sizes of concrete, P.V.C. or ductile iron pipe and can be plant-benched to each site requirement. The precast catch basins are available in 30′ round and 24′ square. The cast iron frames, grates and covers are also available to suit job specifications.Concrete Manholes & Catchbasins offers the developer / owner many key benefits:
Precast concrete manholes have become the construction industry’s product of choice over other products for many reasons, not the least of which is ease of installation. Precast concrete manholes can be easily installed on demand and immediately backfilled. The degree of soil compaction around the manhole and remaining trenches is never a problem, making installation faster and easier. Contractors are familiar with how to handle precast concrete manholes and can easily install them. Standard sealants and flexible joints are readily available and are vital to watertightness.
Because precast concrete products typically are made in a controlled environment, they exhibit high quality and uniformity. Variables affecting quality typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, material quality and craftsmanship – are nearly eliminated in a precast plant.
Precast concrete strengthens with time, while other materials can deteriorate, experience creep and stress relaxation, lose strength and/or deflect as they age. The load-carrying capacity of precast concrete is derived from its own structural qualities and does not rely on the strength or quality of the surrounding backfill materials. Studies have shown that precast concrete products can provide a service life in excess of 100 years. For severe service conditions, additional design options are available that can extend the life of the precast concrete product. This is extremely important when calculating life-cycle costs for a project.
ASTM C478, “Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Manhole Sections,” specifies the proper manufacture of quality, watertight precast concrete manholes. Standard watertight sealants and gaskets are available that are specially designed for use with precast concrete, making multiple seam precast concrete manholes very easy to construct. Vacuum testing is an easy means of verifying water tightness, either in the plant or in the field, as detailed in ASTM C1244, “Test Method for Concrete Sewer Manholes by Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Prior to Backfill.”
Contact Strescon Limited for further design and detailing information.